
In my poems I am often searching for a female contemporary religious voice which is tolerant and open hearted. I am looking for a personal authenticity and truth which is spiritual and a challenge to the materialism and cynicism of so many aspects of our contemporary culture. The poems tend to be visual and sprung from an image.

My poems have been published in magazines such as The London Magazine, Temenos Academy Review, Agenda and Scintilla. Three poems were included in an anthology edited by Peter Abbs; Earth Songs. My first collection Magdalene and other Poems is published by Ivory books and available by mail order. I have written a children’s story about my children growing up under the gaze of The Long Man Of Wilmington; Peter and Sam and The Long Chalk Man, illustrated by Helen Armstrong.

I usually paint with acrylics and water based crayon. For drawing I love the organic qualities of charcoal. Ocasionally I use oils.

My paintings are often an emotional response to landscape, especially the beautiful Downland and coastal areas in Sussex near where we live. I also respond to figures. I try to keep my work fluid, spontaneous and expressive.

My influences are Chagall, Anslem Keiffer, David Bomberg. Barbara Rae and locally Harold Mockford.